Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Double Entry 2- Are Digital Media Changing language?

Quote: "Yes, young people sometimes accidentally slip a btw (by the way) into a school essay. But a recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms that middle school and high school students understand what kind of language is appropriate in what context (Lenhart, Smith, & Macgill, 2008). What's more, scholars of new media language, such as David Crystal and Beverly Plester, remind us that the new technologies encourage creativity, which can spill over into school writing (Crystal, 2008; Plester, Wood, & Bell, 2008)." (Baron, March, 2009)

Reaction: Overall, I enjoyed this article. I agree with this quote and most of the article. I do believe that some students accidentally slip and forget about a btw ( by the way) into their papers but, I believe it simply was an error they missed while proof reading. If students pay more attention to proof reading an concentrate on peer editing, I do not believe this would even be an issue. I think most students know when it is appropriate to use abbreviations or "lingo", such as during text messaging, a simple note to a friend, or even a grocery or shopping list. Although, when the student is writing a term paper or an essay, they  need to focus more on formal writing and not so much abbreviations. In their paper if they have explained what something is once, I believe it would be appropriate  for the use of an abbreviation. The main thing is that students need creativity in their learning. I know I learn better when I can be more creative. Students being able to be creative while learning how to use different technologies to help them grasp a concept, is what the future is focusing on. Being creative and having some flexibility will also help when students have to write papers. The world is forever changing and technologically advancing everyday.

Reference: Baron. S. (2009, March) Are Digital Media Changing language?
retrieved from:

Related Resources:

 This video displays a good example of how technology influences the English language. It expresses the evolution of communication and provides excellent examples of different variations of the English language over the years.
wlp18 (November 13, 2008) LOL: Technology's Influence on the English Language Retrieved from:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Education Digital Upgrade- Double entry 1

"A classroom suited to today’s students should deemphasize solitary piecework. It should facilitate the kind of collaboration that helps individuals compensate for their blindnesses, instead of cultivating them. That classroom needs new ways of measuring progress, tailored to digital times — rather than to the industrial age or to some artsy utopia where everyone gets an Awesome for effort." (Heffernen, August 7, 2011).

I chose this because I don't necessarily agree with the article and I feel this passage allows me to elaborate on why I do not. I do think that our classrooms should be more technologically integrated however I don't believe that a student's work should be internet dependent. I understand that many a classroom was designed around the idea of industrialization and polishing soon-to-be factory workers, yet it has already evolved from that. Needless to say, not every student will move on to college, the world needs garbage men and women, factory workers and utility workers alike. Furthermore, not every child, even in today's society, has internet access outside of the classroom. To be dependent on internet based assignments leaves some students at a disadvantage. With all that said, I agree that classrooms need a technological upgrade, but not to the extent in which the author is proposing.

Heffernan, V. (2011, August 7). Education needs a digital upgrade. Retrieved from

Related Resources:
In this article, the author agrees that technology should be better incorporated in the classroom, yet shows some slight hesistance as to not over-indulging our students into the internet world.

Edutopia Staff. (2011).  Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons are Many.
Retrieved from:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Me in a nutshell...

Hello! My name is Jennifer! I am from Fairmont West Virginia. I was born in Canton, Ohio and my family and I moved here when I was 1 year old. I would love to teach students on a college level. I would like to teach business, education, even communications. I want to be able to teach more than one subject area. I would also not mind to teach students in kindergarden. Although,  my main goal is to teach on a college level. I also want to teach how to learn/teach in a 21st century classroom as well. I belive children learn in 3 differnt ways: Visual, auditory, kinesthetsic. A teacher in today's world, needs to be able to be versatile and teach in all 3 ways. I believe everyday is new in terms of learning and absorbing.  First and foremost, I believe a student has to feel comfortable with their teacher.  They learn by being actively involved and having a lot of social participation. Relating new information to prior knowledge is a great learning tool as well. Hands-on experiments, observations, and doing projects is a great way to keep the students involved and interested. Assigning students to work in groups and to assume the roles of a coach or teacher is a good way to keep the students socially involved. To be able to work with eachother is a great thing. Students can improve their language and communication skills by particinpating in debates as well.