Thursday, October 6, 2011

Double entry journal #7 -Teaching Media Literacy


"Media literacy is making a comeback, spurred by students' access to unlimited information on the Internet. Can schools provide the skills students need to become media literate in a digital world?"


 I agree 110%. I feel like media literacy is making a huge comeback. Students and children theses days are so media literate it is truly amazing. A lot of cases some students and younger children can work there way through the computer and online sites better than I can. So many students use websites and gaming systems and just get so use to it, it becomes very easy. Kids these days can have access to anything on the world wide web. They can learn how to use a new program or even make their own programs and sites. The Internet is virtually amazing and life changing. The 21st century classroom has changed dramatically over the past 5 years. School systems need to provide students with the knowledge of learning these skills and applying them to the digital world. This can and will be done but students need to be willing to be patient as learning new things can not always be a piece of cake. The real question is "Can schools provide the skills students need to become media literate in a digital world?'' The answer is absolutely YES! Teachers can do anything they set their minds to. Students have to be willing to learn as well.

I like this video because it tells parents to be aware of the different kids of media available for their children. She explains that it is best to sit down with your student or child an explain what they are watching or what they are learning. I like this aspect a lot!
Retrieved from:


David, L Jane. Teaching Media Literacy ( 2009, March). Web. 6 October 2011.


  1. Children are definitely more media literate than they have ever been. Now the key is to use their skills to engage them in educational media projects!

  2. I agree! I have seen younger kids then me know how to work something, or even make up their own computer programs to play. I find it amazing the way they can work their way around the web!

  3. I totally agree with you. Students today know so much more than we did at that young age and it is because technology has grown so much within the last 5 years. The problem I see with this though is that students sometimes know more about media literacy than teachers do, so how are the teachers supposed to implement these techniques??

  4. I think that teachers need to learn how to use technology ,but they need help. I think that schools should provide a class for teachers to learn how to use new technologies in their classrooms.

  5. I think that it is possible for teachers to enable students to think about media literacy also. It wouldn't even take a computer to deconstruct a magazine cover like we did. There are so many options!

  6. I really enjoyed the video you used. It's funny how a lot of young children do know a lot about these new technologies. I go to these 7 year old at work all the time to help me with things and he even has a youube account!!
