Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Social-networking ban for sex offenders: Bad call? Double entry journal

The main argument they made in this article was to ban sex offenders from social networking sites. I feel that this would be a great idea and I support it 100%.
Evidence:Every peer-reviewed study conducted by the Crimes Against Children Research Center and other scholarly organizations, as well as the report of Internet Safety Technical Task Force, has concluded that the risk of online predators is greatly exaggerated. Evidence has shown that more sexual offenders online is more dangerous. This is a proven fact! I feel that this website is completly 100% accurate and not untrue. The website had a place for discussion and for people to voice their opinion as well. I feel that sexual offenders should be completly banned from all social networking sites. I feel they should have limited to no rights when it comes to using any social networking site online. We need to keep those offenders away from our chirldren. 

 QUOTE:  "The just-signed Illinois law banning sex offenders from social-networking sites might seem like a good idea to protect children, but it will have virtually no impact on their safety and could wind up making things worse."

 I feel that this statement is not completly true. I do not agree. I feel that with social networking sites children do not know who they are really talking to. They could be talking to what they think is their friend, age 13, and it could be a man that is 45. This is reality and is scary for parents and teachers to face. This is an issue that needs to be faced and brought up in school systems. Sex offenders should defenitly be baned from social networking sites completly. This makes perfect sense. Why would we want a sex offender to be able to accsess a social networking site? That would be complete ludacris. We have to protect are children and our students from harm. As a young child a lot of times they do not know how to sense a harmful individual or a bad situation. Parents need to be aware of what social networking sites their children have access to. This could be a very dangerous situation if not. Always be aware of what your children have access to online.

I love this video becaus eit shows how social networking sites can be very dangerous. I feel that sexual offenders should not have any rights when it comes to being able to access social networking sites. To have access to a social networking site they are just going to continue offending children. This needs to stop. Sexual offfenders should not be permitted to have a facebook.


Magid, Larry. CNET News. "Social-networking ban for sex offenders: Bad call?"13, Aug., 2009. Web. 8 November, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. I think the point the author was making was that it would be unfair to ban all sex offenders but the definitions of sex offender is so broad it would include college kids getting drunk and urinating in public.

    I agree that sexual predators should be banned but we also need to distinguish them from people who are making unwise personal decisions.
