Quote: "Each of us may define thinking differently: as a balance of analytical, creative and practical abilities; as intellectual habits of mind like open- mindedness; or as mental processes specific to a discipline. However we define it, we must agree that today's students, our future citizens, should be able to marshal thinking skills to spot "eye witless news...a twinkle of the airwaves." (Bennett 2001)
Reaction: I strongly agree with this entire quote. I also think this article is wonderful. Their are many different kinds of ways people think and also learn. I encourage kids and my future students to think creatively. I feel like if your students are able to think with their imagination they will be more interested in learning and actually wanting to learn. Thinking analytically is a very important way to learn as well. A lot of students and children learn in different ways and at different paces. You can also think of thinking as mental processes specific to a discipline. I feel like if their is discipline incorporated into learning and thinking,they will actually practice and try to learn the material. I do agree that students should be able to learn and think in both creative and analytical ways. Thinking skills are what all students should work on on a daily basis. Students being able to learn an grasp new information is a wonderful thing for a teacher to see and notice. To see a child learn makes me smile.
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I think this video displays what it means to be literate in the 21st century today. You have to be very knowledgeable with technologies and how to be able to incorporate them into your 21st century classroom. Cell phones, computers, txting to communicate through blogging, the new 21st century teaching. Retrieved from:
Abilock, Debbie.(2002, April 21) A Seven- Power Lens on 21st -Century Literacy. 30-35 . Web. September 28 2011. Retrieved from:
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