Friday, September 23, 2011

Concept Map/Double Entry Journal

How does digital story telling support learning in schools?
 There are numerous ways that Digital Storytelling can be used in education. One of the
first decisions to be made when deciding to use this tool in the curriculum is whether an
instructor will create the Digital Stories or have their students do it. Some educators may
decide to create their own stories and show them to their students as a way to present new
material. An engaging, multimedia-rich Digital Story can serve as an anticipatory set or
hook to capture the attention of students and increasing their interest in exploring new
ideas. A number of researchers support the use of anticipatory sets at the beginning of a
lesson to help engage students in the learning process (Burmark, 2004; Ormrod, 2004)
and as a bridge between existing knowledge and new material (Ausbel, 1978). 
Digital Storytelling can also be a potent tool for students who are taught to create their
own stories. After viewing example digital stories created by their teachers or other story
developers, students may be given assignments in which they are first asked to research a
topic and then choose a particular point of view and, as described in the Seven Elements
of Digital Storytelling, a dramatic question. This type of activity can generate interest,
attention and motivation for the "digital generation" students in today’s classrooms.
A good activity for students would be to allow them to make a digital story. This would be a good way for them to communicate with each other.  
Digital story telling helps to promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. This is a standard from the ISTE NETS-T. The Digital story telling allows students to be able to do all of these aspects. 
Ohler, J. (2005, March). ar the fourth r. Retrieved from

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