Friday, September 2, 2011

Blog Posting- Wordle & Poll Everywhere

Wordle- The Wordle is a text analysis tool. You are able to pick any group of words to create a wordle to display what  your most common word that describes you is, then the next less common word will be small, then the next word will be smaller, and so on. I believe this a a great way to make a display and visual aid of words that describe you or even your friends, or your favorite way to descibe what kind of teacher you would like to be. The Worlde allows you to be very creative and flexible. In this course we have used Wordle to display what words discribe what kind of teacher we want to be. This was a good way to see a visual on mabye some of the aspects of what kind of teacher we want to be. It also would be good for us to see these words an help us set goals to be that kind of teacher.

Poll Everywhere- This is an audience response system. Poll Everywhere is a great way to get students involved and gives them an opportunity to interact. Interaction is the number one key. You are able to create and poll, while  other students are able to give you feedback. The Poll Everywhere is a great way for students to get to know eachother and stay invloved. In this course we used Poll Everywhere to post a poll we made to try and learn a little more about our classmates. This was an enjoyable and creative assignment and over all I learned new things about my classmates. This was a great way to inspire student learning as well.

How might these promote learning in my future classroom? - I believe Wordle is a great way to keep the students involved and still allow them to be creative. You could use Wordle to help with spelling class or even to help teaching a poetry lesson. The Wordle is very flexible and can be also used to help the students make a Wordle to help get to know their classmates as well. The Poll Everywhere also would be a great way for students to create a poll and post it, allowing their fellow classmates to respond. This would be a great way for students to get to know their classmates and also stay involved and interact with each other. They both will be a great way to stay interested in the class.

My Reflection/ connection- The Wordle, Poll Everywhere, and the ISTE NETS-T, all promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. For a student to be able to be creative and lets there work reflect who there are, it is a good way for students to get to know each other.I think all three of these activities are great for learning as well. They also engage students to be more involved and attentive in class and during activities.

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