Monday, September 5, 2011

My Blog-Learning Style Test

 What I've learned...

- From taking the learning style test, I have learned that I learn best through kinesthetics. When I am able to touch things or be able to use my hands to learn, I stay interested. Hands-on experiences are the best way for me to learn. I also am a visual learner. If I am able to see someone else doing what I need to learn, it is easy for me to visual to  succeed. I would say overall, I learn quite well visually. If I am told to learn something but I can not see the big picture, it becomes rather difficult. Visually and kinesthically are the easiest ways for me to learn. I do not learn as easily through reading and writing. Things become more difficult. I am mostly a visual learner.

What are some of the strategies you should employ as a learner? Do you feel this test is accurate?

I believe some of the best strategies you should employe as a learner is excellent note taking skills, focus, discipline,  time management, organization. Also you should employ the desire to do well. As a learner it is good to employ a lot of different skills. I feel that this test has been pretty accurate. I believe I do learn best through visual aid and kinesthics. My worst way to learn definitely is through reading and writing. I would rather learn hands-on or visually. If I'm staying involved in something and able to see or feel what I'm learning it is overall easier for me. To learn something and have to read a whole lot does not grasp my attention as well. Overall, I believe the Learning style test pretty accurately displays my best learning style.

 This is my beautiful PicassoHead! :))))

1 comment:

  1. I like your Picassohead. Very nice! I learn in many different ways. Mostly by reading and through visual concepts. The test said that I was a multimodal learning.
    Students definitely need those skills you mentioned. Some students do not know how to take notes. I think some teachers may think students already know how, but we do need to be taught.
