Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Pad Application

I must say I enjoyed exploring an Ipad for the first time ever. It is very interesting and I found my self spending quite a while exploring the Ipad. There is so much to be offered. I found many applications that were interesting an fun. The app I chose was called Scrap It! It is an app that allows you to do all kinds of things. It seemed to be very creative and fun. I would defenitly use this with my students in my future classroom. Digital scrapbooking goes mobile with Scrap It! Scrapbooking has evolved into an awesome classroom tool.  In the classroom... here are some things you can do with this app:
  1. document a fieldtrip
  2. student portfolio
  3. classroom news
  4. capturing moments!
  5. scrapbook your way through a story/novel
  6. compile multiple projects into one document
  7. mobile bulletin board
  8. publishing student work to a website
  9. showcasing students
  10. How would you use Scrap It! in the classroom?
I enjoyed exploring the Ipad and I will be looking into getting one for myself!

ISTE NETS-T-List five ways you will use technology with your future students.

1. When I become a Teacher I will inspire student creativity by promoting, supporting, and modeling creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. I will let students express themselves.

2. When I become a teacher I will engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.

3. When I become a teacher I will promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.

4. When I bome a teacher I will model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

5. When I become a teacher I will develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.


When I become a teacher I will participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning. I will also exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others.

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Driving Question-WebQuest

How do writers communicate purposefully and clearly with various audiences?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

WebQuest worksheet & Questions

Your Role

___Efficiency Expert




Your Impressions




Grow School Greens
It is created by Notre Dame University. It is clearly trying to help make students be able to have healthly meals.

No contact number.
Where is My Hero?
I like this one. I feel like it is very imformative and you would get something out of this. Nice pictures!

Could of had a better conclusion. more color.

Underground Railroad

Came from Bradley University. Nice photos. Seems very informative and productive.
Could of made things more interesting. more color.

Ice Cream
Love how colorful things are. catches my attention. Everyone likes ice cream.
Like the flow chart idea.

More benefits.

Ancient Egypt

Can be used by the community, parents, students. Very informative.

Could be more appealing.

1. Which two of example WebQuests listed below are the best ones? Why?
I feel like the Grow School Greens and Ancient Egypt were the best WebQuests overall. I feel that They were very colorful and grabed my attention. I also felt they were informative and useful. Grow Schools Green was very informative and interesting. Ancient Egypt was interesting an informative. The topic grabed my attention. Could be something I could relate to.

2. Which two are the worst? Why?

I feel that Underground Raiload and Ice Cream were the worst becuase yes they were very colorful but didn't seem as beneficial. I felt they could of been more informative and factual. Underground Railroad was not as grabing and interesting as the rest.

3. What do best and worst mean to you.

Best and Worst mean different things to me. Best means the absolute suburb of all the other items in the group. It couldn't be better, sows the best qualities and offers the most. Worst to me means it is uncolorful, not factual, not useful and does not seem to be needed to be used. Best can mean the most appealing and useful as well. Worst to me could mean useless and unappealing.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Social-networking ban for sex offenders: Bad call? Double entry journal

The main argument they made in this article was to ban sex offenders from social networking sites. I feel that this would be a great idea and I support it 100%.
Evidence:Every peer-reviewed study conducted by the Crimes Against Children Research Center and other scholarly organizations, as well as the report of Internet Safety Technical Task Force, has concluded that the risk of online predators is greatly exaggerated. Evidence has shown that more sexual offenders online is more dangerous. This is a proven fact! I feel that this website is completly 100% accurate and not untrue. The website had a place for discussion and for people to voice their opinion as well. I feel that sexual offenders should be completly banned from all social networking sites. I feel they should have limited to no rights when it comes to using any social networking site online. We need to keep those offenders away from our chirldren. 

 QUOTE:  "The just-signed Illinois law banning sex offenders from social-networking sites might seem like a good idea to protect children, but it will have virtually no impact on their safety and could wind up making things worse."

 I feel that this statement is not completly true. I do not agree. I feel that with social networking sites children do not know who they are really talking to. They could be talking to what they think is their friend, age 13, and it could be a man that is 45. This is reality and is scary for parents and teachers to face. This is an issue that needs to be faced and brought up in school systems. Sex offenders should defenitly be baned from social networking sites completly. This makes perfect sense. Why would we want a sex offender to be able to accsess a social networking site? That would be complete ludacris. We have to protect are children and our students from harm. As a young child a lot of times they do not know how to sense a harmful individual or a bad situation. Parents need to be aware of what social networking sites their children have access to. This could be a very dangerous situation if not. Always be aware of what your children have access to online.

I love this video becaus eit shows how social networking sites can be very dangerous. I feel that sexual offenders should not have any rights when it comes to being able to access social networking sites. To have access to a social networking site they are just going to continue offending children. This needs to stop. Sexual offfenders should not be permitted to have a facebook.


Magid, Larry. CNET News. "Social-networking ban for sex offenders: Bad call?"13, Aug., 2009. Web. 8 November, 2011.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wikipedia Reliability Worksheet

Article Title :Deinosuchus

This article or section has multiple issues. no   
This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards.yes
The neutrality of this article is disputed.yes
The factual accuracy of this article is disputed.yes
This needs copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone or spelling. yes
This may contain material not appropriate for an encyclopedia. yes
This article only describes one highly specialized aspect of its associated subject.yes
This article requires authentication or verification by an expert.yes
This article or section needs to be
This article may not provide balanced geographical coverage on a region.yes
This is missing citations or needs footnotes.yes
This article does not cite any references or sources.
  1. Read through the article and see if it meets the following requirements:

Is it written in a clear and organized way? yes   
Is the tone neutral (not taking sides)? yes
Are all important facts referenced (you're told where they come from)? no
 Does the information provided seem complete or does it look like there are gaps (or just one side of the story)?
3. Scroll down to the article's References and open them in new windows or tabs. Do they seem like reliable sources? (For help in determining the general reliability of a source, check out the Knowing What's What and What's Note: The 5 Ws (and 1 "H") of Cyberspace handout.)

Reliable references: Definitions that seem to be factual.

Possibly unreliable references: Wikipedia

Definitely unreliable references: Wikipedia

  1. Click on the Discussion tab. How is the article rated on the Rating Scale (Stub, Start, C, B, GA, A, FA)? What issues around the article are being discussed? Do any of them make you doubt the article's reliability?
    1. They say this is a featured article.
    2. Has been identified as one of the best articles from Wikipedia community.
    3. Deinosuchus is part of WikiProject Amphibians and Reptiles.
    4. The facts make me believe the article is reliable.
    5. A collaborative effort to improve the coverage of palaeontology.
    6. Rated FA-class on project scale.
    7. Information looks factual..
    8. Written by important people.
  2. Based on the above questions, give the article an overall ranking of Reliable, Partially Reliable or Unreliable.
    • You may use a Reliable article as a source (but remember that even if a Wikipedia article is reliable, it should never be your only source on a topic!)
    • You may use a Partially Reliable article as a starting point for your research, and may use some
      of its references as sources, but do not us it as a source.
    • You should not use an Unreliable article as a source or a starting point. Research the same topic in a different encyclopedia.
How did you rank this article (Reliable, Partially Reliable or Unreliable)? Give at least three reasons to support
your answer.
I rate this source partially reliable. I feel that this source has factual information. It also is ranked in the FA class. This article has also been identified as one of the best articles in Wikipedia Community. This shows me its a good article. They seem to be using a collaborative effort to improve palaeontology. I like science and this seems to be an interesting topic. I think this article overall is pretty reliable but it does not have a lot of sources or footnotes.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wikipedia: Freind Not Foe: Double entry journal

3 things I learned:
1. I learned that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. All of the information on Wikipedia is not 100% factual. It is not a reliable source. Teachers do not recommend students use Wikipedia.
2. I learned that you can have live conversations with people.
3. I learned at the bottom of he page, there are many sources you can use to write a research paper or even use to find facts.
4. Wikipedia’s goal is nothing less than “collecting the sum of human knowledge” in a vast, constantly growing
digital repository.

2 things that surprised me:
1. Wikipedia's information can be edited by anyone. WOW!
2. Wikipedia is less an unregulated free-for-all of misinformation than an open collaborative in various stages of development, depth, and sophistication depending on where one looks.

When will Wikipedia develop something on the website where no one is able to edit ANY of the information??

Related resource:

I love this video because it shows how false everything on Wikipedia can be. You are not getting the facts. Anyone can edit Wikipedia and leave you with whatever information they want you to believe. I think this video illustrates that concept perfectly.


a. What is Wikipedia?
 is a free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia project supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Its 20 million articles (over 3.78 million in English) have been written collaboratively by volunteers around the world. Almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site,[ and it has about 90,000 regularly active contributors. As of July 2011, there are editions of Wikipedia in 282 languages. It has become the largest and most popular general reference work on the Internet,ranking sixth globally among all websites on Alexa and having an estimated 365 million readers worldwide. It is estimated that Wikipedia receives 2.7 billion monthly pageviews from the United States alone.Founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

b. How would you answer the question posed in this piece “How reliable can a source be when anyone can edit it?”? 
When anyone can edit and save information on a web based site, the information is completly unreliable and nonfactual. The information can not be trusted to be true or factual because anyone can change it.  I think personally Wikipedia has a lot of informational facts, but a lot of it is not reliable. I do think that a good bit of it is factual and true.

c. Who do the creators of Wikipedia place their trust in when it comes to weeding out misinformation? 
Most wikis are set up so that it is very easy and quick to undo vandalism, so don't get too worried about any given incident.Build a community of good faith editors.The stronger a community a wiki has supporting it, and the more good content it maintains, the less of an impact a few bad edits will have on the overall quality. Good content and good community also serve to set a good example for beginning editors.

d. Why did founder Larry Sanger leave Wikipedia? 
Sanger left Wikipedia in 2002, and has since been critical of the project. He articulated that despite its merits, Wikipedia lacks credibility due to, among other things, a lack of respect for expertise. After leaving the project, Sanger taught philosophy at Ohio State University and was an early strategist for the expert-authored Encyclopedia of Earth. On September 15, 2006 he publicly announced Citizendium, first envisioned as a fork of Wikipedia.It was launched on March 25, 2007. Citizendium represents an effort to create a credible and free-access encyclopedia. Sanger had aimed to bring more accountability to the internet encyclopedia model.
e. What would abuse or vandalism look like on a Wikipedia page? 
Vandalism is any addition, removal, or change of content in a deliberate attempt to compromise the integrity of Wikipedia. Examples of typical vandalism are adding irrelevant obscenities and crude humor to a page, illegitimately blanking pages, and inserting obvious nonsense into a page. Vandalism is prohibited.

f. What do the statistics quoted in the third paragraph of this piece reveal? 
Reveals that 18% of people that edit Wikipedia are in a small group.
g. Why do you think Wikipedia is so successful? 
Regardless of how you feel about the quality or accuracy of the content that’s being developed on Wikipedia, as a collaborative initiative using a social medium it has been very successful. Even despite some of its more recent setbacks, you can’t argue that it’s brought together a multitude of individuals with very diverse backgrounds and expertise and allowed for the creation of a product that has become, for many, a first stop on their journey to learn something new. (If that’s their only stop then they’re not doing in-depth research, but then the same could be said for any other information resource.)

h. Why might Wikipedia’s creators not want to accept advertising? 
A common response to the first is that those who don’t like ads can run an ad blocker. Easier still, those who don’t like ads can log in — there’s little reason to display ads to logged in users, who probably generate a tiny fraction of pageviews. But I don’t think either of these responses will satisfy this form of the objection, as it is basically emotional. I also believe that they would not want advertising because it would promote more people to go to the website and start editing the text. They are trying to prevent this.

i. How does Wikiscanner help increase the reliability of Wikipedia entries?
WikiScanner (also known as Wikipedia Scanner) was a tool which consisted of a publicly searchable database that linked millions of anonymous edits on the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia to the organizations where those edits apparently originated, by cross-referencing the edits with data on the owners of the associated block of IP addresses.The tool's database contains 34,417,493 entries on anonymous edits (those by users who were not logged in to Wikipedia) between 7 February 2002 and 4 August 2007. Griffith stated that the database was constructed by compiling the anonymous edits included amongst the monthly public database dumps of Wikipedia. Griffith said he connects the organizations to the IP numbers with the assistance of the IP2Location, through which comparison he had found "187,529 different organizations with at least one anonymous Wikipedia edit.
At a rate of 600 words a minute, twenty-four hours a day, a person could read nearly 27,000,000 words in a month. In the month of July 2006, Wikipedia grew by over 30,000,000 words. Given this, it is unlikely for any single reader to read all of Wikipedia's new content. Reading the current incarnation at that rate would take over seven years, and by the time they were done, so much would have changed with the parts they had already read that they would have to start over. Therefore, the best way to get an idea of the bigger picture is with statistics.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Words Failed, Then Saved Me Double entry journal


 "Repeating third grade at a new school, after having been asked to leave my old one for hitting kids who made fun of my perceived stupidity, I was placed in the “dummy class.” There were three of us, separated from our classmates at a table in the corner of the room. One day, the teacher, who seldom spoke to us since it was understood that most of what she taught was beyond the reach of our intelligence, placed books in our hands and whispered that we should sit there quietly “pretending to read.” The principal was coming."


 This quote is very shocking to me. I can't believe how inconsiderate a teacher could be. All children learn at different paces and in different ways. Just beacuse one student has a disability, dosen't mean they are unteachable. A teacher needs to be able to teach those students just the same as a student without a disability. When a child is talked down to or put down by a teacher this hurts their ability to learn and retain new information. It is hard to go to one school when you have a bad reputation at the school you came from. A lot of teachers have prejudgements of other teachers which I feel is normal and is going to happen. A teacher just might have to start over and take things a day at a time.


I like this video because it talks about learning disablities and how so many successful people have learning disabilities and funcion pefectly. People need to be more excepting of eachother.


Schultz, Philip. 3 September,2011. Sunday Review. Words Failed, Then Saved Me.Web. 28 October, 2011.  

Website Evaluation


WHO: There is no source available.
WHAT: You are getting the pleasure of your dog enjoying his/her life on DOG ISLAND. This is paradise.
WHEN: The site was created in 2003.
WHERE: Made in USA
WHY: I'm here to prove this site is a rip off. FAKE
HOW: This site is very limited and does not display much information at all. I can tell by first glance it is fake and not real.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Internet & Anti-Social Behavior Theory Unfounded Double entry journal


"Despite early studies suggesting that internet use leads to anti-social behavior, later findings indicate positive aspects of engaging in online socializing."


I agree with this quote. I feel that yes there are a lot of things online and websites and things you can access that can defenitly lead to anti-social behavior in children and in students.I feel that if parents monitor what their children have access to on computers, children would not access unappropriate material. This has been a rising issue for many years. It is also a teachers reponsibility to monotor what a students can access in the school systems. Although, negative aspects of being online have been brought up, positive aspects have to. Positive behavior has also been a result of being online. Using the internet has been a great way to socialize and meet knew people. It has been a great way to communicate and feel like it is ok to be yourself. Some people feel relieved when they do not have to communicate face to face. Therefore, online social networks are a good way for children and young adults to develop who they are and who they want to be without having any barriors. I like this a lot!


I like this video because it tells what exactly internet behavior is and what is exceptable and what is inappropriate behavior. I think this would be a good video to display in the classrooms. I also like that the characters are cartoons.


Owens, Laura. (23 April, 2009) Psychology at suite 101. Internet & Anti-Social Behavior Theory Unfounded. Web. 24 October, 2011.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Internet & Anti-Social Behavior Theory Unfounded


"The relative anonymity of being on-line promotes self-expression. In addition, the relative absence of non-verbal cues (e.g. attractiveness) and the ability to link with others with similar interests, values and beliefs facilitates the formation of relationships based on deeper connections such as shared values and beliefs."

 The anonymity of being online is a great thing. I also feel that the anonymity of being online can be a dangerous thing. A lot of times people try and hide their identity. There are a lot of sexual predators out there that can be harmful to your children. I feel that we as teachers and as parents are responsible for what social sites and websites our students and children have access to. A lot of people feel they can be themselves on the internet and social sites because it is not a face to face communication. This is a good aspect. I feel that social sites are a great way to meet new people and to show how to interact. Communication is the key. Self-expression is a very important aspect of growth and how people can develop themselves. The internet is a wonderful tool that can help people communicate all over the world.Being anti social can be a dangerous thing for children to learn. We need to communicate in the right ways and not learn to be anti social.

Relates Source:
I like this video because it shows many anti-social behaviors that children have. To be anti-social can be hurtful to other children and is a bad way to communicate. We need to teach our students how to communicate in the right way.

Owens, Laura. (23 April, 2009) Psychology. Internet & Anti-Social Behavior Theory Unfounded. Web. October 17, 2011.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Life on the Screen: Visual Literacy in Education-double entry journal

QUOTE: "We must teach communication comprehensively, in all its forms. Today we work with the written or spoken word as the primary form of communication. But we also need to understand the importance of graphics, music, and cinema."

REACTION:  I agree 100% on this quote. Communication is so important. We use communication in our everyday lives. We communicate with our friends, family, and everyone in between. Communication is a great skill to have and to learn. In the classroom children need to learn how to comunicate with their classmates and with their teachers. Communication is a skill you need to learn and develop as the tme goes by. In the future when you are looking for a job, they will admire your communication skills. If a person dosen't have communication skills this is defenitly a problem. Graphic, music, and cinima are all very important when dealing with communication as well. We have to understand all aspects of communication. You can communicate face to face, telephone, txting. They are so many other ways to communicate that we all need to be aware of an develop good communication skills.

I love this video. I feel like a lot of students are faced with a lot of visual material everyday and don't always know what it means. As teachers we are responsible for teaching what these visual pictures and photos are. Again, communication is the key!

RESOURCE:  Daly, James. (2011) Life on the Screen: Visual Literacy in Education. © 2011 The George Lucas Educational Foundation. Web. 11 October, 2011.

My Voki

MY LESSON PLAN VOKI (Higher Ed Com-110).pdf

I like this lesson plan a lot. I defenitly would consider using it in my future classrooms. Curriculum integration with the use of technology involves the infusion of technology as a tool to enhance the learning in a content area or multidisciplinary setting.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Double entry journal #7 -Teaching Media Literacy


"Media literacy is making a comeback, spurred by students' access to unlimited information on the Internet. Can schools provide the skills students need to become media literate in a digital world?"


 I agree 110%. I feel like media literacy is making a huge comeback. Students and children theses days are so media literate it is truly amazing. A lot of cases some students and younger children can work there way through the computer and online sites better than I can. So many students use websites and gaming systems and just get so use to it, it becomes very easy. Kids these days can have access to anything on the world wide web. They can learn how to use a new program or even make their own programs and sites. The Internet is virtually amazing and life changing. The 21st century classroom has changed dramatically over the past 5 years. School systems need to provide students with the knowledge of learning these skills and applying them to the digital world. This can and will be done but students need to be willing to be patient as learning new things can not always be a piece of cake. The real question is "Can schools provide the skills students need to become media literate in a digital world?'' The answer is absolutely YES! Teachers can do anything they set their minds to. Students have to be willing to learn as well.

I like this video because it tells parents to be aware of the different kids of media available for their children. She explains that it is best to sit down with your student or child an explain what they are watching or what they are learning. I like this aspect a lot!
Retrieved from:


David, L Jane. Teaching Media Literacy ( 2009, March). Web. 6 October 2011.

"Teacher of the Year" magazine Cover

"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove . . . . but the world maybe different because I was important in the life of a child." - Kathy Davis
My magazine cover for "Teacher of the Year".

Monday, October 3, 2011

Deconstructing Arnold

1. What do you see? How does he look?  
1: I see Arnold. He looks impressive and muscular. He looks angry and fierce.  
2: Looks inviting, sweet, wants your vote.

2.  How does he make you feel? 
1: Scared: get out of his way! Intimidated and inferior.  
2: Good, he looks intelligent, capable.

3. What do you think about this person now? How does he make you feel?
1:I feel like he maybe is just acting. He really might not be mean in real life.  
2: I feel like he really wanted to represent. He looks hard working.

4. How does he look?  How do those "looks: influence how you feel?
1: He looks rough and tough. Looks really into being in shape and staying healthy.  
2: Looks nice, suit, tie. Clean shaven.

5. What lifestyles, values, points of view are represented or omitted? 
first photo: He is very into health and staying healthy and having a healthy lifestyle. 
Second photo: looks more of a business man. Smart, intelligent. Not intimidating.

6. What are the differences between the two covers? What techniques are used to attract your attention? Pay attention to body language, clothing, camera angle, lighting, color, eye contact ect.
1: Has a scary apperance, quite intimidating, nasty. Huge muscles attract my attention.
2: Friendly, warm, smart. Brainy and welcoming. The business suit attracts my attention. Body language is good.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Seven-Power Lens Double Entry Journal

Quote: "Each of us may define thinking differently: as a balance of analytical, creative and practical abilities; as intellectual habits of mind like open- mindedness; or as mental processes specific to a discipline. However we define it, we must agree that today's students, our future citizens, should be able to marshal thinking skills to spot "eye witless news...a twinkle of the airwaves." (Bennett 2001)

Reaction:  I strongly agree with this entire quote. I also think this article is wonderful. Their are many different kinds of ways people think and also learn. I encourage kids and my future students to think creatively. I feel like if your students are able to think with their imagination they will be more interested in learning and actually wanting to learn. Thinking analytically is a very important way to learn as well. A lot of students and children learn in different ways and at different paces. You can also think of thinking as mental processes specific to a discipline. I feel like if their is discipline incorporated into learning and thinking,they will actually practice and try to learn the material. I do agree that students should be able to learn and think in both creative and analytical ways. Thinking skills are what all students should work on on a daily basis. Students being able to learn an grasp new information is a wonderful thing for a teacher to see and notice. To see a child learn makes me smile. 

Related Source:  

I think this video displays what it means to be literate in the 21st century today.  You have to be very knowledgeable with technologies and how to be able to incorporate them into your 21st century classroom. Cell phones, computers, txting to communicate through blogging, the new 21st century teaching. Retrieved from:


Abilock, Debbie.(2002, April 21) A Seven- Power Lens on 21st -Century Literacy. 30-35 . Web. September 28 2011. Retrieved from: 
Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oil Spill : Obama

**I feel that picture one makes me feel more at ease. I feel like he is on the job with his men working for a cure. I do feel that he should apear to be more serious though, not smiling so big. I do feel that he is concerned and putting forth the effort. Photo 2 also shows his concern for the environement as well. I think both pictures are good images of Obama.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Saddam's Statue Topples

What do I know?
I know that this is Saddam's Statue located in Baghdad that fell April 9, 2003. Taking down the statue was encouraging to me.
The 12-metre tall Statue was one of Iraq's newest Sculptures erected in honor of Saddam Hussein's 65th birthday in April of 2002. In May of 2003 a group of Iraqi artists raised a new statue where Saddam used to stand. The Iraqi artists describe, "the new sculpture is seven metres (23 feet) high and shows a symbolic Iraqi family holding aloft a crescent moon and a sun."The event was initially broadcast as a spontaneous show of Iraqi joy at the overthrow of the Saddam regime. It was at first reported that Iraqi civilians where trying to pull down the statue and only later were they helped by American military. It was later revealed that rather than an Iraqi inspired event it was stage managed American plan from a psychological operations team.  Retrieved by:'s_Statue

How do I know it?
I know this information by watching the YouTube video and by looking for additional information on Google. I find that this topic is very interesting and interesting to me. Also, this was a huge issue in Baghdad that was taking very seriously.
How can I find out more?
A good way to find out more about Saddam's Statue is to Google it or use a search engine. Search Engines are a great way to get more knowledgable on a certain topic.
What is the point of view?
My point of view is that I was rather happy that the Statue had toppled down. It was a very encouraging moment for me. I feel that everyone else was rather relieved for the Statue to be taken down. I really liked when they placed the American Flag over Saddam's face.
Who is the creators audience?
I feel that the creators audience is Saddam's people. I also feel that the audience is the American people. It was encouraging for the American people when they took the statue down, This was a wonderful moment in history.
Why is this important?
This is a very important day in history that was a remarkable thing that had taken place. For the American people, when the Saddam Statue was taken down, and Saddam's face was covered with the American flag, this was an encouraging time for not just Americans but people all over the world. I feel like this was a  turning point for the people in the United States. April 9, 2003 will never be forgotten. This day will always be remembered and never forgotten.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Art Becomes the Next R- Double Entry Journal

Quote:"I am referring to the fact that the multimedia environment of the Web, as well as much of what we experience, through our computers requires our students to think and communicate as designers and artists.

Reaction:  I agree with this quote. I feel that everything students do in the classroom requires them to use their creativity and imagination. I feel that the internet requires students to think outside the box and to learn how to communicate with other classmates as well as teachers. The multimedia environment of the Web is so complex that it is almost impossible to not learn something each day you explore a new website or area. For our students to think and communicate they have to able to interact with their classmates. Students do not realize that as they are working on the Web or through a multimedia website or activity, they are also learning as well. When a student is having so much fun, they don't realize they are learning. Being able to explore a multimedia site will allow a student to learn and get more familiar with technology. Technology is the key to the future and is changing the world drastically everyday. Students need to stay more involved with using technology to be ready for the future. In the future I feel that every single job will revolve around technology and multimedia.

Related Source: 

I believe this video is a good way to show how we need to start using multimedia more in the 21st century. Media literacy is very important and that is addressed in this video. The video states that learning should be active and fun which i agree 100%. Media is all around us all the time. Retrieved from:

Ohler, J. (2005, March). ar the fourth r. Retrieved from

Friday, September 23, 2011

Concept Map/Double Entry Journal

How does digital story telling support learning in schools?
 There are numerous ways that Digital Storytelling can be used in education. One of the
first decisions to be made when deciding to use this tool in the curriculum is whether an
instructor will create the Digital Stories or have their students do it. Some educators may
decide to create their own stories and show them to their students as a way to present new
material. An engaging, multimedia-rich Digital Story can serve as an anticipatory set or
hook to capture the attention of students and increasing their interest in exploring new
ideas. A number of researchers support the use of anticipatory sets at the beginning of a
lesson to help engage students in the learning process (Burmark, 2004; Ormrod, 2004)
and as a bridge between existing knowledge and new material (Ausbel, 1978). 
Digital Storytelling can also be a potent tool for students who are taught to create their
own stories. After viewing example digital stories created by their teachers or other story
developers, students may be given assignments in which they are first asked to research a
topic and then choose a particular point of view and, as described in the Seven Elements
of Digital Storytelling, a dramatic question. This type of activity can generate interest,
attention and motivation for the "digital generation" students in today’s classrooms.
A good activity for students would be to allow them to make a digital story. This would be a good way for them to communicate with each other.  
Digital story telling helps to promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. This is a standard from the ISTE NETS-T. The Digital story telling allows students to be able to do all of these aspects. 
Ohler, J. (2005, March). ar the fourth r. Retrieved from

Monday, September 19, 2011

Multimedia Blog

Can students upload their multimedia project to YouTube?

Yes! Educators and students must credit sources, giving full bibliographic information when available.
Educators and students must display the copyright notice and copyright ownership information if this is shown in the original source.
Copyright information for images may be shown in a separate bibliographic section unless the presentation is being used for distance learning. In this case, the information must be incorporated within the image itself.

Do you need to request permission from the original creator in order to use copyrighted material in multimedia project for school related assignment?

Yes! You always need to get permission before you distribute or use any information. You need to get permission: When you intend to use the project for commercial or non-educational purposes.
When you intend to duplicate the project beyond the two copies allowed by the guidelines.
When you plan to distribute the project beyond the scope of the guidelines If you have any doubts about whether a use is fair use, it is always best to seek permission. A lot of students don't understand the copyright laws because they are very uneducated about them.
The fair use of copyrighted material in multimedia projects lasts for two years only. After two years, obtain permission before using the project again.

Are the limitations to the amount of pictures or length of music or video that can be used in a multimedia project?
Uploading a video or multimedia project to youtube is rather easy and gives other classmates the opportunity to veiw their work. I have enjoyed uploading my multimedia video to Youtube as well. Yes! Music or lyrics & music video: Up to 10%, but in no event more than 30 seconds, of the music and lyrics from an individual musical work (or in the aggregate of extracts from an individual work), whether the musical work is embodied in copies, or audio or audiovisual works, may be reproduced or otherwise incorporated as a part of a multimedia project. You are able to use a certain amount of music in your videos.
Illustrations or photographs:
No more than five images from one artist or photographer.
No more than 10% or 15 images, whichever is less, from a collection.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The World of Digital Storytelling- Double entry blog

Quote: "Digital stories provide powerful media literacy learning opportunities because students are involved in the creation and analysis of the media in which they are immersed. When students do the hard work of marrying story and technology to express themselves to others, they can see more clearly the persuasive nature of the electronic culture in which they live. Digital stories need to be used to strengthen student's critical thinking, report writing, and media literacy skills. " (Jason Ohler 2005-2006)

Reaction:  I agree with this quote. I believe digital story telling is a great way for students to be creative. Making digital stories also provides students with literacy learning opportunities.  When students are able to analyze the material they are studying and break it down into a digital story, they are learning a lot. Making digital stories is a great way to allow students to express themselves to others and also see other sides of their classmates. When you are able to tell a story by using technology, this is just amazing. I fill like being able to write a paper would not be as beneficial as being able make a digital story. I feel like being able to narrate your digital story makes it more personal and more people will be able to develop an emotional reaction, rather than just reading a paper. I also believe using digital story telling is a great way to improve students critical thinking and media literacy skills. The more practice students have with working with media and other technical programs, the better their media literacy skills will be. Anytime you can improve a skill, " I say go for it!" I feel like using electronics are a fantastic way to allow the students to be creative and also is a great way and opportunity to express themselves.

Related source:

I like this video becuase it displays young students in the classroom using technology. I love seeing them using laptops. The students are communicating well with eachother and interacting well. This video portrays the 21st century classroom very well. I admire seeing the students using laptops in the classroom at such a young age. They also were creating digital stories. I think digital stories are a great way to learn about a specific subject. Also, I think digital story telling would be a great and creative way for students to interact with other classmates and get to know eachother better. Being able to do a digital story would be a nice break away from the regular research paper as well. I also was surprised that the students were able to browse on the internet so well. Technology is taking over.


Jason Ohler (2005, December/2006, Janurary) The World of Digital Storytelling. Retreived from

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Digital Story


"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."

 -Dr. Suess

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Digital Stories / Voting

Discuss the history of voting from a global, national and local context

 While the right to vote is widely recognized as a fundamental human right, this right is not fully enforced for millions of individuals around the world. Consistently disenfranchised groups include non-citizens, young people, minorities, those who commit crimes, the homeless, disabled persons, and many others who lack access to the vote for a variety of reasons including poverty, illiteracy, intimidation, or unfair election processes. An important force in combating disenfranchisement is the growth of organizations engaged in election monitoring. Around the world, governments struggle to meet the challenge of the Universal Declaration related to free and fair elections. Election monitoring groups, ranging from local or party monitors to United Nations teams, assist governments and local groups to hold free and fair elections by observing the process from the beginning (voter education, candidate campaigns, planning for the ballot) to the end vote count. By declaring an election ‘free and fair’ monitors can legitimize the outcome of that election. Conversely, by not doing so, legitimacy is withheld. The question of whether or not to grant legitimacy to election results is complicated by political considerations, as the results of declaring elections ‘not free nor fair’ can be serious. Riots and even civil war can break out. Retrieved from: (University of Minnesota Human Rights Center 2008)
Thanks to a movement led by differently-abled Americans and their supporters, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was passed. It provided for ballot and poll access for those with disabilities. Enforcement of the Voting Rights Act and other laws continued. Retrieved from: (

Do you think a digital story like this one could substitute for a research paper? Why or Why not?
I believe a digital story can in fact substitute for a research paper. From watching the digital video I obtained a lot of important information as I would from reading a research paper. I was very interested while watching the video. If I was just reading a paper it would not be as interesting as watching the digital story. I believe if students had the opportunity to create a digital story compared to writing a research paper, they would have the opportunity to show their creativity. In a digital story you still have a lot of information and a great display of photos and important images that can not be displayed in a research paper. i learn the best visually, so I think substituting a digital story instead of writing a reach paper would be a good way to teach the students something else and to keep them interested. I think digital stories are interesting and beneficial.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Keypad Solution

There is a long and noble history of trying to change the English language’s notoriously illogical system of spelling.Whether texting conventions are supported by organized spelling reformists or not, can they possibly solve the difficulty of spelling our troublesome language? David Crystal, the author of “Txtng: The Gr8 Db8,” told me in an e-mail message that “there’s nothing in texting to suggest spelling reform,” noting that texting relies heavily on abbreviations, which he sees as creative stylings, not systematic improvements. He added that there is very little that is new about most of the abbreviations and lexical shortenings that make texting so maddening to so many. In fact, he said, with the exception of a few recent coinages like LOL, “virtually all the commonly used ones can be found in English a century ago.” For example, bn (been), btwn (between) and wd (would) can all be found in a 1942 dictionary of abbreviations.( Ammon Shea )

Reaction:  The way people spell and speak has been a problem for as long as I can remember. The English language is one of the most common spoken languages and one of the most difficult to learn. A lot of people have tried to change things and alter others in the English language and have miserably failed. Their failing attempts do not surprise me at all. Spelling reform is the attempt to change the spelling of English words to make it conform more closely to pronunciation. I agree that txting relies on abbreviations and is merely a creative style of communicating through the English language. The way the English language has suffered I believe does have a good bit to do with the way people all over the world have let txting control their lives, but I also believe the English language has suffered because people have not become more knowledgeable.  Txting might have cause people to hate what has become of the English language but I believe everyone communicates through txting and always will. Abbreviations will always be used and never stopped. Abbreviations are not the "bad guy". Also, almost all abbreviations we use now, were used a century ago. The English language is changing and so are we.

Reference Ammon Shea( 2010, January) The Keypad Solution. Retrieved from:

Related Resource: This link is a great example of how the English language is changing. Abbreviations are no longer the thing of the past, they are the here and now. "LOL", "OMG","BRB" are all now in dictionaries which blows my mind. How does it make you feel?

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Blog-Learning Style Test

 What I've learned...

- From taking the learning style test, I have learned that I learn best through kinesthetics. When I am able to touch things or be able to use my hands to learn, I stay interested. Hands-on experiences are the best way for me to learn. I also am a visual learner. If I am able to see someone else doing what I need to learn, it is easy for me to visual to  succeed. I would say overall, I learn quite well visually. If I am told to learn something but I can not see the big picture, it becomes rather difficult. Visually and kinesthically are the easiest ways for me to learn. I do not learn as easily through reading and writing. Things become more difficult. I am mostly a visual learner.

What are some of the strategies you should employ as a learner? Do you feel this test is accurate?

I believe some of the best strategies you should employe as a learner is excellent note taking skills, focus, discipline,  time management, organization. Also you should employ the desire to do well. As a learner it is good to employ a lot of different skills. I feel that this test has been pretty accurate. I believe I do learn best through visual aid and kinesthics. My worst way to learn definitely is through reading and writing. I would rather learn hands-on or visually. If I'm staying involved in something and able to see or feel what I'm learning it is overall easier for me. To learn something and have to read a whole lot does not grasp my attention as well. Overall, I believe the Learning style test pretty accurately displays my best learning style.

 This is my beautiful PicassoHead! :))))

Friday, September 2, 2011

Blog Posting- Wordle & Poll Everywhere

Wordle- The Wordle is a text analysis tool. You are able to pick any group of words to create a wordle to display what  your most common word that describes you is, then the next less common word will be small, then the next word will be smaller, and so on. I believe this a a great way to make a display and visual aid of words that describe you or even your friends, or your favorite way to descibe what kind of teacher you would like to be. The Worlde allows you to be very creative and flexible. In this course we have used Wordle to display what words discribe what kind of teacher we want to be. This was a good way to see a visual on mabye some of the aspects of what kind of teacher we want to be. It also would be good for us to see these words an help us set goals to be that kind of teacher.

Poll Everywhere- This is an audience response system. Poll Everywhere is a great way to get students involved and gives them an opportunity to interact. Interaction is the number one key. You are able to create and poll, while  other students are able to give you feedback. The Poll Everywhere is a great way for students to get to know eachother and stay invloved. In this course we used Poll Everywhere to post a poll we made to try and learn a little more about our classmates. This was an enjoyable and creative assignment and over all I learned new things about my classmates. This was a great way to inspire student learning as well.

How might these promote learning in my future classroom? - I believe Wordle is a great way to keep the students involved and still allow them to be creative. You could use Wordle to help with spelling class or even to help teaching a poetry lesson. The Wordle is very flexible and can be also used to help the students make a Wordle to help get to know their classmates as well. The Poll Everywhere also would be a great way for students to create a poll and post it, allowing their fellow classmates to respond. This would be a great way for students to get to know their classmates and also stay involved and interact with each other. They both will be a great way to stay interested in the class.

My Reflection/ connection- The Wordle, Poll Everywhere, and the ISTE NETS-T, all promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. For a student to be able to be creative and lets there work reflect who there are, it is a good way for students to get to know each other.I think all three of these activities are great for learning as well. They also engage students to be more involved and attentive in class and during activities.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Double Entry 2- Are Digital Media Changing language?

Quote: "Yes, young people sometimes accidentally slip a btw (by the way) into a school essay. But a recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms that middle school and high school students understand what kind of language is appropriate in what context (Lenhart, Smith, & Macgill, 2008). What's more, scholars of new media language, such as David Crystal and Beverly Plester, remind us that the new technologies encourage creativity, which can spill over into school writing (Crystal, 2008; Plester, Wood, & Bell, 2008)." (Baron, March, 2009)

Reaction: Overall, I enjoyed this article. I agree with this quote and most of the article. I do believe that some students accidentally slip and forget about a btw ( by the way) into their papers but, I believe it simply was an error they missed while proof reading. If students pay more attention to proof reading an concentrate on peer editing, I do not believe this would even be an issue. I think most students know when it is appropriate to use abbreviations or "lingo", such as during text messaging, a simple note to a friend, or even a grocery or shopping list. Although, when the student is writing a term paper or an essay, they  need to focus more on formal writing and not so much abbreviations. In their paper if they have explained what something is once, I believe it would be appropriate  for the use of an abbreviation. The main thing is that students need creativity in their learning. I know I learn better when I can be more creative. Students being able to be creative while learning how to use different technologies to help them grasp a concept, is what the future is focusing on. Being creative and having some flexibility will also help when students have to write papers. The world is forever changing and technologically advancing everyday.

Reference: Baron. S. (2009, March) Are Digital Media Changing language?
retrieved from:

Related Resources:

 This video displays a good example of how technology influences the English language. It expresses the evolution of communication and provides excellent examples of different variations of the English language over the years.
wlp18 (November 13, 2008) LOL: Technology's Influence on the English Language Retrieved from: